Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Euphemism Euphemism Generally, people like to use softer words to overcome awkward situations during interpersonal interactions. To avoid talking about events or things that appear to be not suitable in a polite society people use euphemisms. Euphemisms are defined as the act of substituting words that generally evoke strong emotional reaction by harmless ones. Definition of Euphemism Euphemism is defined as use of a socially accepted word that is both mild and harmless in the place of a word or expression that is generally considered unacceptable, strong or unpleasant. For example, people avoid mentioning the word death and replace it with a genteel expression like passed away. Mild words are not likely to provoke undesirable emotions that lead to stress and awkwardness between individuals or groups. A number of example of euphemism are used in everyday life. Some more euphemism examples Body Helper instead of a nurse Administrative Assistant instead of a Secretary Intern instead of a trainee Wash room instead of a toilet Different Kinds of Euphemisms Soft euphemism: These are used instead of rough and literal words, and they play the role of hiding the rough nature of the words. Examples: Physically challenged instead of lame or blind. Best of luck for your future instead of you are fired Taking vacation instead of unemployed Euphemisms that are used in a cordial environment Using numerous euphemisms are necessary when you are interacting in a polite society where rude words and gestures are forbidden. Examples: Sanitation engineer instead of a plumber A little heavy instead of obese. A little tight instead of drunk. Euphemisms that used to show disrespect Some euphemisms are deliberately used to show disrespect without sounding rude or boorish. The sarcasm used is very subtle and sometimes passes over the head of the recipient, sometimes they are also used to lighten the atmosphere. Example: Fell off from the back of the truck for stolen goods You are becoming a little thin on the top (bald) He is always tired and emotional (drunk) List of Common Euphemisms 1) Passed away died 2) Frumpy fat 3) A few extra pounds fat 4) Over the hill old 5) Collateral damage killing the innocent people during attack 6) Couch Potato someone who is lazy. 7) Put to sleep killing pets or animals by lethal injections 8) Visually challenged blind 9) On the streets homeless 10) Economically disadvantage - poor 11) Passed away died 12) Frumpy fat 13) A few extra pounds fat 14) Over the hill old 15) Collateral damage killing the innocent people during attack 16) Couch Potato someone who is lazy. 17) Put to sleep killing pets or animals by lethal injections 18) Visually challenged blind 19) On the streets homeless 20) Economically disadvantage - poor

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